• Chest X-rays: Helping detect heart and lung conditions
  • CT scan
  • Complications

    The severity of asbestosis is generally related to the amount and duration of exposure to asbestos. Effects of the disease may be so mild as to cause almost no symptoms. Or the condition may create such a reduced flow of oxygen as to be disabling or even fatal. Asbestosis may lead to the following conditions:

    • High blood pressure in your lungs. Asbestosis-related scar tissue may eventually compress or obliterate your lungs’ small blood vessels, causing high blood pressure in your lungs’ arteries (pulmonary hypertension).
    • Heart problems. Pulmonary hypertension can lead to enlargement and failure of your heart’s right ventricle (cor pulmonale). Your heart consists of four chambers — two upper chambers called atria and two lower chambers called ventricles. Your right ventricle assists in pumping oxygen-poor blood from your organs and tissues to your lungs, where your blood receives a new boost of oxygen. As your pulmonary arteries narrow, your heart’s right ventricle must work harder to pump blood through the lungs. Initially, the heart tries to compensate by thickening its walls and dilating the right ventricle to increase the amount of blood it can hold. But this measure only works temporarily, and eventually — after a period of a few years — the right ventricle weakens and fails from the extra strain.
    • Lung cancer. If you smoke and have asbestosis, your chances of developing lung cancer increase greatly, especially if you smoke more than a pack a day. Tobacco smoke and asbestos both contribute to each other’s cancer-causing (carcinogenic) effects, so that the combination of both risk factors together is more dangerous than the effects of either risk factor alone.
    • Other lung damage. Exposure to asbestos can lead to other health complications including changes in the thin membranes covering your lungs and lining your chest cavity (pleural membranes). Pleural changes may be the first signs of asbestos exposure and may include pleural thickening, the formation of calcium deposits in the pleura (plaques), and an abnormal accumulation of fluid between the membranes (pleural effusion). Pleural effusion itself is benign and doesn’t increase your risk of asbestosis or malignant mesothelioma.
    • Other cancer. Prolonged exposure — 20 years or more — to asbestos can also lead to malignant mesothelioma. Diagnosis and treatment of this cancer is often difficult. Malignant mesothelioma may occur even many years after exposure has stopped.
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Lung cancer
  • Treatment

    There’s no treatment to reverse the effects of asbestos on the alveoli. Treatment is aimed at preventing progression of the disease and relieving symptoms. The most important factor in keeping the condition from worsening is to eliminate exposure to asbestos. For most people, scarring of lung tissue doesn’t begin or progress once exposure has ended.

    The following may be components of treatment for asbestosis:

    • Smoking cessation. If you smoke, it’s important to stop, particularly because of the extremely heightened risk of lung cancer. In addition, smoking may cause emphysema, which further reduces your lung reserves.
    • Vaccinations. Because of your impaired lung condition, treat a cold or a bout of the flu promptly to avoid complications. Your doctor may advise you to receive flu and pneumonia vaccines.
    • Medications. The complication of pulmonary hypertension is often treated with medications to expand or relax blood vessels, and blood-thinning medications to prevent blood clots from forming and obstructing narrowed vessels.

    To ease difficulty breathing, your doctor may prescribe supplemental oxygen or drain fluid from around your lungs, if necessary. Occasionally, severe cases of asbestosis may be treated with lung transplantation.

  • Common cold
  • Influenza (Flu)
  • Prevention

    Reducing the level of exposure to asbestos is the best prevention against asbestosis. In the United States, by law, a worker’s exposure to asbestos may not exceed 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter of air. Federal law requires employers in industries that work with asbestos products, such as construction and shipyard industries, to monitor exposure levels, create regulated areas for asbestos work, and provide their employees with appropriate training, protective gear such as face masks, and decontamination hygiene areas.

    Many homes built before the 1970s contain asbestos products such as building insulation, insulation for hot-water and steam pipes, soundproofing and decorative material sprayed on walls and ceilings, older stove-top and ironing board pads, as well as some types of textured paint, patch compounds, roofing and siding shingles, and vinyl floor tiles. Generally, there’s no cause for concern being around these products as long as they’re in good condition and you don’t disturb them or cause them to disintegrate. It’s when they are damaged that there’s a danger of asbestos fibers being released into the air. If you need repair or removal of an asbestos product, it’s best to have it done by a professional.